"Well, finally!"

When I first told my family and close friends I am going to start a photography business, this was their response. "Well, finally!" Pretty supportive, right? Yep. That's my family. They are the "follow your dreams" kind of people and I absolutely couldn't be luckier to have them. 

I've been capturing the love, magic, special moments and everyday messes of my family for years. I starting taking pictures with my old Fisher Price toy camera and then a blue Kodak Fisher price camera with detachable, disposable flash bulbs. HA! It was so much fun! I remember taking it along on my 8th grade trip to Washington DC and capturing images of all my friends having fun around our Nation's Capital. 

Well, I eventually upgraded to a film SLR, took black and white film photography in college with my best friend and college roommate, Heather (somehow she still puts up with me and we are still best friends!). We loved the class and spent countless hours in the darkroom, listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers, carefully developing our film,  printing, laughing, and laughing some more. I have absolutely amazing memories from that class and some great prints of college life in the 90's at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

So after I had kids, I upgraded to a DSLR to more easily capture the quick, hilarious and messy life of kids. I now have a Nikon D7200 and various lenses, but my passion is the same. I'm still capturing my friends and family as they have fun, laugh, love and enjoy life. And I'm so happy I FINALLY started pursuing this passion further.

Here they are....my support network, the people I love, and the people I photograph most often! Love you all.
